Guinea Pig Diet

A balanced diet is crucial for maintaining the health and well-being of your guinea pig. The cornerstone of a guinea pig’s diet is fresh hay, primarily Timothy hay, which should be available at all times. Hay not only helps with digestion but also keeps their teeth in check since guinea pigs’ teeth grow continuously. In addition to hay, guinea pigs require a daily intake of fresh vegetables. Leafy greens such as romaine lettuce, spinach, and cilantro are excellent choices. Additionally, vegetables like bell peppers and carrots can provide variety and essential nutrients, particularly vitamin C.

Guinea pigs are unable to produce their own vitamin C, so it is vital to ensure they receive enough from their diet. Fresh vegetables, especially bell peppers, and supplements added to their water or provided through specially formulated guinea pig pellets can help meet this need. However, pellets should be given in moderation and never replace the fresh hay and vegetables that make up the bulk of their diet. Fresh fruits like apples and strawberries can be offered as occasional treats, but high-sugar fruits should be limited to avoid health issues like obesity. Fresh water should always be available, and it’s important to clean and refill their water bottle or bowl regularly to prevent contamination. A well-balanced diet ensures your guinea pig remains healthy and happy throughout their life.